Thursday, 22 September 2016

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

In this project I was working with Mollyanne and we decided to create an online children's book.

In this project we decided that our success criteria was:
Eye catching covers
An interesting title
Colourful illustrations  
Jokes spread around the book
Rhyme if possible

Overall our project met this criteria because our book had all of these traits and was successful.

This is our final product
Book titled 'S P L A S H !'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Describe patterns of reflection, rotation, & translation


  • Rotate the top left hand N 90 degrees
  • Rotate another 90 degrees
  • Rotate another 90 degrees
  • Rotate another 90 degrees

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I have used successfully are: The yes and technique where you accept what you partner is saying and add more, keep eye contact and listen to what you partner is saying so you can think of what to add.
Some Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I would like to have more practice at are: keep a straight face and casual body language because I sometimes start laughing in the middle of a sentence

The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was being able to say anything and everyone else would just go with it because we can have a lot of fun but still learn things.

The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was getting involved at the beginning because I think we were all quite shy and awkward and had no idea what to do.

My favourite improvisation game was yes and because we could say really random and stupid things but some how still keep going.
My next step in improvisation is getting involved more and faster because it took me quite a while to get comfortable and involved.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Koru Games

                              Koru Games

The sport I participated in was Touch Rugby

My two highlights from Koru games were:
Having a device there because I could listen to music and contact my friends who were in different sports.
Working as a team with different people from my class as well as my friends because we often don't get the chance.

Something I am proud of is stopping a lot of tries from the other team because I was one of the faster people in our team so I was great at defense.

Some advice I would give to next years' year sevens is try your hardest and give everything a go, even if it means getting out there and out of your comfort zone its very fun and definitely worth it.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

CARE: My progress so far

The CARE award that I am working towards is Bronze but I am only two care ticks away.

The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is community because have highlighted everything off under community.

The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is excellence because it is where I have the least care ticks.

To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by showing these leadership traits: Resilience and being goal focused.

On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level Relational because I can use my care values independently but I need to be reminded every now and then.





Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.

I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.

I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.

I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.